Dear Gracefilled Lillies,
Did you know that God can use anything to reach your heart. He can even use Social Media. What a great platform it can be if you use it to honour God and not just be addicted to it.
For so many women life can become really crazy busy. Between family and work and running your home, there isn't much time for getting quiet. I know that some moms cannot even attend a Bible Study at their local church sometimes as it takes the following to get there: you have to get dressed, be prepared for the event, get a sitter for your kids, feed your family before you go, get into the car, make sure it is filled with fuel, and then drive to church without being late. All of that after a stressful start to a busy week, can make you feel like staying at home. Attending a Bible Study online can give you the connection you desire, interaction with God's Word without all the prep it takes to get to church and it can also ensure you are still available for your kids. You can attend in your pajamas, no make-up. To me that sounds great! For sensitive temperaments preparing to go into a social situation can also hold a lot of internal stress and turmoil as you may also fear the judgement of others. Attending an online event can help you sidestep all of that and focus on the Study. You are free to engage as little or as much as you want.
I have done a couple of these online classes already and there are a variety of ways to do this.
In South Africa our internet connectivity is a bit spotty depending on your data available and internet provider's service. I find that live video streaming doesn't always work so well, so I load a photo album with the content of the Study and attendees sign in by commenting on the album at the designated time. We discuss and offer witnesses and pray for each other too. I also offer extra creative content and sometimes a FREEBIE or two. The venue of the Bible Study is my private Facebook group. This means it is secure, intimate and private. You have to be a member of the group to be able to access the content and engage with other group members. As group host, I make sure it is a safe place to share. You can join by clicking here.
This past week we did a study on the second week's Scriptures from the Five Week Dreambook devotional Program. The weekly program can be downloaded from the Facebook group's files section. Its FREE. This specific program ends mid February 2018.
The resources you will need to work through this Five Week Program are:
- The Dreambook Devotional Kit with 24 page workbook and 17 Cute Cuts Card set;
- The Weekly Dreambook Program that gives you Daily Scriptures, Dreambook topics and Prayer prompts - Download from the files section in my Facebook group;
- Extra content: Tracing cards and lesson Print&Play Journaling Kits
- Your Bible
- The YouVersion Bible App available to download FREE from the Google Playstore so you can compare your translation with a variety of other translations.
- A blank journal or notebook
- Basic stationery and art products to express your creative response with and taking notes.
- The lesson content found in the photo albums loaded for each Bible Study's online event (see my Facebook group for this) - also FREE
- Smart phone with camera that can capture photos of you, your spreads and even maybe a little video.
- Obviously an internet connection.
The extra content for this past week's Study: Click here for the Print&Play section in my store.
Here is the original artwork before I turned it into a digital printable resource:
This artwork is based on 1 Chronicles 16:11 that talks about seeking God's face continually. Isn't it great that you can close your physical eyes and yet still seek God's face and His presence with your spiritual eyes open. Even amidst cloudy skies in your life, God's presence will shine through like the sun with the warm rays of His LOVE shining light into all the areas of your life, your concerns, your heart and mind and even your troubling circumstances. This girl is holding her heart in her hands, ready to offer all that is in it to God in prayer, surrendering herself to Him. She is committed. She WILL seek His face and His presence continually throughout her life. This was what I was thinking when I drew this artwork.
In the Printable PDF you have a tracing card with text and one with just the artwork on an A4 page available in English and Afrikaans in the same PDF so you choose which language you want to print. You can print it on 160gsm white cardstock and use the left side as a colouring bookmark and the right side as a tracing card to add the image to your journaling bible's sidebar or as a tip in page and just colour and write your own words on it. There are so many more ways to use this resource. I hope you try it.
Don't foget to also check-out my Youtube channel for the latest videos. Click here.
Also note that I have updated the "Upcoming events" section in the sidebar here on the blog. Email me if you need more info or visit the GraceLilly Facebook PAGE here.
Have a wonderful weekend and new week ahead.
Buy some of our pretty paper here
Share your Ivytree Studio layouts with us here