Dear Gracefilled Lillies,
Isaiah 58:11
"He will satisfy your needs in a sun scorched land and will streghten your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden like a spring whose waters never fail"
"I am afraid there is nothing much in the garden of my heart as yet, Shepherd, but all that there is, is yours to do with as you please."
This was my first inscription in my dream-journal back in 2000.
On the 20th of July 2008 God confirms this scripture to me again.
In 2008 and 2009 He provides for me and my new husband in a physical desert in the country of Oman in the Middle East. His Word to me, comes to life as he provides and "satisfies" us in a "sun scorched land". We lived in a little town called Ibri in the middle of the desert. He promises to give us water and be our Water and I still experience His provision every day since then.
If you feel that you want to start dreaming again but you don't know where to begin or even how to begin, because you may feel like I felt back then: "there is nothing much in the garden of your heart", be encouraged by the word "yet", maybe not yet, but also be encouraged by the word "Shepherd" as a shepherd's job is to lead. To lead His sheep to where they need to go and also to sustain and provide for them all they need to get there. Let God know that you are open for Him to do as He pleases with you. Yes, I know..scary to relinquish control of you life. But, oh so worth it.
I am witness that God is a good God and to be trusted. He has never let me down, and even when I was down, way down on the low as you can get, He is the only One who has been able to pull me up and help me stand again and continue in faith. That in itself is a miracle and a testimony to His faithfulness.
Listen to this song by Hillsong United: Jesus, I need you
As deel van my eerste inskrywing gee die Here my die woorde en dit kom eintlik uit Jeremia 29:11:
Die Here gee vir ons 'n HOOP en 'n VERWAGTING. Sy beloftes is waar en Hy wil vir ons ons drome gee.
Ek hoor Hom die volgende in my hart spreek:
Die Here se hart vir my:
Hou vas aan jou Hoop met moed en oortuiging!
"God gives the very best to those who leave the choice up to Him" - 1989
Lank voor ek my droomboek begin het, het God reeds hierdie woorde in my geplant in 1989 al en my gereeld daaraan herinner...So wonderlik plant Hy dinge in jou wat later vir jou duidelik word hoekom juis daardie woorde op daardie oomblik en dit groei in jou oor tyd soos wat Hy dit weer en weer vir jou bring en so "HOOR" ons God in ons praat elke ons net wil luister met harte wyd oop.
In 2004 op die 28ste Februarie bevestig ek my gewilligheid om hierdie woorde te glo en vir God se beste te wag. Na ek in 2000 die boek begin het, het nou reeds 4 jaar verby gegaan en steeds is my hart gewillig om op God te wag vir daardie droom, in my geval 'n lewensmaat.
In 2014 skryf ek weer 'n nota hier: "Now I must trust that all your choices for me are truly the best". 'n Moelike ding om te skryf, want nie alles wat in my lewe gebeur is aangenaam nie. Ek is in 'n woestyn tyd en voel ek word gestroop.
Dis nog 3 jaar later en vir die eerste keer voel ek dit is OK dat God my lewe stroop van alles wat ek gedink het ek wil hê, moet hê, wil bereik, wil doen of mee besig is. Hy stroop my lewe van toksiese verhoudings en toksiese gewoontes stuk vir stuk. Hy bevestig Sy liefde oor en oor.
Luister na die volgende Hillsong lied: Love on the Line
God se genade is vir my genoeg! Sy liefde is al wat ek werklik nodig het. Hy voed my siel en sorg vir elke werklike behoefte. Wat meer het ek nodig.
Mag God jou hart so vul dat jy besef dat alles wat jy bo Hom gestel het, woes en leeg is soos die woestyn.
Laat Hom as Tuinier in jou hart en dit sal wees soos 'n wel-deurdrenkte tuin.
Listen to this song from Hillsong: Gracious tempest
About GraceLilly Workshops:
Our next workshop will be on the 29th of July 2017 and a repeat of the introductory workshop that guides you through the basic process and tells you about my story with this dream journal.
We will be hosting similar workshops with themes taken from my dream journal. The August workshop will be on the theme of the "Dream statement" and "The well watered garden" as outlined in this post.
Workshops include a basic booklet with info, the process explained, study materiel and a kit that includes expressive and creative content tools to help you express your prayers and dreams visually in a journal and in your Bible. A Requirement list for basic art material and tools will be emailed to you once payment for your booking is received.
There are currently 110 themes or life lessons taken from this dream journal process. We plan to create kits on each theme an also to hold a workshop on each of the themes to guide you through all 110 themes.
Die Leef-tydskrif sal ook as hulpbron beskikbaar wees tydens werkswinkels, vriendelik geborg deur Christine Ferreira, Redakteur van die tydskrif.
The program for the remainder of this year with relevant dates, will be posted in our next post.
I will also be speaking and sharing on the subject of "honoring God with your creativity and hobbies", with Christine Ferreira on Christine's usual Tuesday show on Radio Pulpit this coming Tuesday, 25 July 2017 from 9:00-11:00. Hope you join in the conversation.
For more details on the workshops, contact
Buy some of our pretty paper here
Share your Ivytree Studio layouts with us here
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