Dear Gracefilled Lillies,
It is wonderful to see how God brings about the change in seasons. The Clivia's in my mom's garden is already blooming and it looks like Spring is about to burst open. Even though I still wear my fleece pajamas and socks and early mornings are chilly, the weather in Pretoria has been absolutely perfect!
...and so this year is more than half way over and already we are at WOMEN'S DAY! Can you believe it? Well, I hope that this day is filled with laughter and rest and blessing and maybe a little "being creative".
This morning God woke me really early..before 7AM. Yes, that is early for me. As a teacher I use to wake up at 6:00 to be in time for school's tart at 7:15. That meant that I had to dress and get everything done in a rush and face the traffic while driving to work. As a night-owl I am at my best and most creative late at night and was use to going to bed well after 22:30. So for years I was also accustomed to very little sleep. Not so good. So since leaving mainstream teaching behind, I am able to go to bed when I am ready and done with my day...I try to stick to 24:00 at the very latest and then start my day a little later in the mornings, so this morning was the exception to my new status quo. 7AM. I felt God calling me to my studio and this little girl made her way to my handmade notebook that I shared on Instagram and Facebook earlier this week.
The verse I illustrated was Psalm 55:22 and is a favourite of mine. It is also Joyce Meyer's husband, Dave's go to verse in every situation.
So as this is Women's Day and I know that most of you, like me, are heavy laden with loads of burdens and challenges and chores, let this be a reminder that when we cast our cares and burdens on to Jesus, that because He cares for us, He will take it on to Him and give us new strength. When you feel like you want to give in under life's pressures, take heart and know: "He will never let the righteous fall".